The Exquisite Garden Project

 "if you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea..."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery, from the Little Prince

Station Eleven Redux : Oceanside Museum, Oceanside , California , March 2018

The Oceanside Museum invited us down the coast to their beautiful Museum to produce an installation that interpreted the dystopian novel, Station Eleven . We had a practice run last year at the ICB building in Sausalito, California. This time around the space was larger, and we used it fully, enlarging the train track run, and expanding our village of cardboard houses and buildings.The community of Oceanside is stupendous, and the Museum is a vital hub of the community, which is such a wonderful thing to be part of. There were a number of arther artists and artist teams in the exhibit, and that was invigorating, and the first time we have produced an installation alongside other artists. It was great!!!!  The exhibit will be up for five months, through August 4th, 2018. 


Gather       --      Inspire        --      Create